EXPO 2010 in Shanghai
The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), jointly with the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ), have begun preparations for Poland’s presence at the World Exhibition EXPO 2010 in Shanghai China.
We invite everyone to check information on the presented portals dedicated to the world exhibitions, on which we will provide ongoing information on all events and competitions connected with Poland’s participation in EXPO 2010.
The World Exhibition EXPO 2010 in Shanghai will last for six months, from the beginning of May to the end of October 2010. Its theme is “A Better City, Better Life”. Therefore the Exhibitions guiding motif is the City - specified as “a particular, condensed structure, the fruit of human civilisation”. The idea behind the Exhibition is the harmony between people and nature, between past and future. This idea will be the subject of a discussion on creating an environment that is friendly to man and equally for urban development. Today Cities have been presented with completely new problems, such as the lack of space, cultural conflicts, insufficient water or energy supplies, a worsening of the natural environment and social problems. The hosts of the Exhibition therefore, aim to draw international attention to the City, and to find solutions to the problems that effect an increasing proportion of the world’s population.
Poland’s Participation in the International Exhibition in Shanghai
Poland’s Participation in EXPO 2010 has as its goal the promotion of Poland abroad, and also the long term establishment of Poland’s “trade mark” across the world. Success achieved at the World Exhibition can be measured by the awakened interest of the international public, in positive feelings related to Poland, and in creating an image of Poland as an attractive and modern European country.
To achieve these goals, in the face of the enormous international competition, which will accompany the six months of the Exhibition’s duration, the basis for building a concept of Poland’s participation in EXPO 2010, should be the logical implementation of the standards of modern marketing.
The Institution Responsible:
The institution which in 2007 is to carry out the tasks related to Poland and EXPO 2010:
10/05/2007 Preparations for EXPO 2010 The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), together with the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ), are beginning preparations for Poland’s presence at EXPO 2010 the Worldwide Exhibition in Shanghai, China. On 9th May 2007 PARP has announced a competition for study on the program conception of Polish participation in World Exhibition 2010 in Shanghai. |