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22 March 2018

The 5th Automotive CEE Day

The fourth edition of purchasing meeting Automotive CEE Day will take place on 22-23 March 2018 in Opole (Poland). The objective of the meeting is the opportunity to establish first contact between car manufacturers’ purchasing departments, tier 1 suppliers and potential suppliers.
5th Automotive CEE DayIn edition 2017 hosted over 200 companies from Poland, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Great Britain or India, which held over 1 000 talks arranged by means of the IT platform and several hundredadditional, ad hoc meetings.
Such companies as Volkswagen Poznan, MAN Bus, FCA, Polaris, BMZ Poland, DANA, Gedia, Johnson Matthey, Kirchhoff, Nexteer, Sanden and Sitech have confirmed their presence during the Automotive CEE Day 2018.
Automotive CEE Day 2018 is a perfect opportunity to meet many potential partners or suppliers at a single place and time.
Detailed information is available on
Automotive CEE Day will be held under the patronage of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH).
This event is organized by the research and analysis company

Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Krucza St. 50

00-025 Warsaw

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