Africa is rising. Currently, East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda) is regarded as one of very few regions in the world that one can achieve a very high Return on Investment in the business world. The Polish Investment and Trade Agency – Nairobi Office recognises that little is known about the region – its business opportunities, its risks, its challenges and so forth. For this reason we have decided to create a business newsletter that will unfold each month the most important and crucial business stories shared between Polish and East African entrepreneurs.
We will cover the business paths of Polish entrepreneurs and investors in the region of East Africa. We will report where business agreements have been signed and new ventures opened. We will bridge the knowledge gap that exists between Poland and East Africa with the aim to forge new stronger business partnerships in the part of Africa where the sun rises first.
The PAIH Nairobi Office, in partnership with The Exchange, the leading business and economics-oriented news publication in East Africa, will be sending out direct newsletters to all business players interested in developing Polish-East African business relations. We urge you to subscribe to our newsletter and read our short yet informative monthly news feed.