Big Data is the key to success of modern companies - the VIII edition of the Big Data & AI Congress
The most important know how of modern business is the knowledge of what information we have, how to understand it and how to use it business-wise. Big Data is the key to success of modern companies and raising the competitiveness in a dynamically changing business environment - which is why we would like to invite you to the VIII edition of the Big Data & AI Congress, which will be taking place 18-19 April 2018 at the Sheraton Warsaw Hotel.
During the spring edition, topics that will be discussed during the event include using AI in cybersecurity, the secret mechanisms and tools of AI and Machine Learning, the influence of automatization and robotization on the work market and the production or management of identity in the Internet era.
The strategic meeting has become a permanent appointment on business calendars, amassing representatives of the largest national and global companies of all business sectors. It is also an occasion to network and strengthen business relations for those, who want to develop.
Among the Speakers of the VII Edition of the conference were:
Artur Waliszewski, Regional Business Director CEE, Google
Krzysztof Bajołek, Founder,
Przemysław Cieszyński, Member of the Management Board, National Holding Bank
Adam Tychmanowicz, CEO, Neptis, Co-Founder of the Yanosik Application
Janusz Wróbel, President of the Management Board, Neurosoft
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