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27 June 2018

PAIH, Solaris and Wroclaw awarded in Emerging Europe Awards 2018

As Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) took the third place in the Emerging Europe Awards 2018, the agency has been recognised as one of the best investment agencies (Investment Promotion Agencies) in Europe.

Taking into account that three of the Polish nominees was awarded, the jury of Emerging Europe Awards appreciated a huge group of Polish contestants. Polish Investment and Trade Agency was third out of 23 IPAs, whereas Invest Lithuania was named the winner.

2017 was revolutionary for PAIH. We have become a mature trade and invest agency that offers support for Polish and foreign companies on the same level that leading UE economies are able to provide. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki enabled us to conduct a dialogue towards an evolution of open trade worldwide. As a member of the Steering Comittee of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) we are the voice of the whole European Union until 2019. Therefore, we joined the prestigious group of European trade and promotion agencies. Awards for PAIH are the prove that businnes environment notices and appreciates our efforts” – said Wojciech Fedko, Executive Vice President of PAIH and the President of WAIPA Steering Committee of UE region.

Not only was the investment agencies awarded, the jury appreciated businnes environment as well. Poland was second to no one when it comes to regional and corporate competition. Two Polish cities was awarded. Wroclaw was the first-place winner in City FDI Strategy Category, beating nine other competitors like Lublin, Katowice and Poznań that took the third prize in this category. Polish bus producer Solaris was awarded Global Market Champion.

What is more, the investment of American JP Morgan was nominated best Foreign Direct Investment. The project was carried out in Poland and supported by PAIH. With their R&D project, Mondelez Company managed to the semi-final of the awards.

The ceremony took place on June 22nd in London.


Emerging Europe Awards 2018


Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Krucza St. 50

00-025 Warsaw

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