Nowadays, the construction sector develops dynamically and can be considered as one of the most important in polish foreign trade according to Russia. Demand for materials, executive and design services remain on high level. Local fairs and trade conferences are the chance to find new business contacts and potential clients.
-Russian market provides opportunities for expansion to all countries from Eurasian Economic Union. When the companies are taking part in conferences in Moscow, their leaders go there to make prompt decisions -explains Wojciech Kolignan, Head of the Foreign Trade Office in Moscow. The Moscow Office formally will be launched in September, but Polish companies have been already sending the inquiries. Foreign Trade Office helps to understand law and procedures connected with entering the Russian market.
Name recognition of polish companies, brands and goods is the factor that benefit the trade relations. There are particular goods that the Russians are interested in. -Poland is one of the leading producers and exporters of construction sector in UE. Main goods are windows, doors, construction chemicals and ceramic tiles. Value of tiles produced in Poland is 0,5 billion euro and construction chemicals is 2 billions euro- Kolignan comments.
Nowadays there is 166 special economic zones in Russia. Local authorities supports foreign companies with low cost of leasing services or tax benefits. According to the Head of the Foreign Trade Office in Moscow, we should encourage polish companies to do business in Russia. On the other hand, we should make polish investments less risky, especially in terms when there is no agreement with the Russian Federation established.
Since 2017 it is observed a positive trade balance with Russia. Poland Central Statistical Office says that in 2017 polish export to Russia amounted to 6,9 billion USD and import from Russia: 14,8 billion USD. On the other hand, data from Rosstat is different: 4,9 billion USD export form Poland and 11,6 billion USD import from Russia.
Russian sanctions are not a barrier for polish companies. -As a matter of fact, sanctions have effected in lower costs of office rental and advertising services. Since 2015 advertising costs are lower by 25%- said Kolignan.
Seminar was organised in PAIH, Warsaw. Companies like ПГМ-Городское Пространство, Петролеум-Трейдинг, НПП Токар, Флекст, Гален, УК Волма Bronya NPO Ltd were the guests speakers. After the presentations, B2B sessions were held.