According to the results of the design competition for Polish Pavilion at EXP0 2020 the winning design’s major motive is „Poland as the migrating birds’ habitat”. “It will be an arresting structure evoking the concept of mobility” - General Commissioner of the Polish Section at EXPO 2020 Tomasz Pisula, points out.
The competition for designing the building and outdoor exposition of the Polish Pavilion for the EXPO 2020 in Dubai had lasted from 19th of July to 20th September 2018. It took place under the auspices of the Association of Polish Architects (SARP). As many as 68 Polish and foreign architectural studios participated. Up to 55 entities were qualified to the competition. Eventually, 30 teams submitted their projects. The best one was prepared by the Warsaw-based WXCA architectural studio.
Tomasz Pisula, who is both General Commissioner of the Polish Section at EXPO 2020 and the CEO of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency stresses that the winning project fulfils the sub-topics of the EXPO, such as mobility and sustainable development. “Sustainable development is present in the project as the connection of natural and renewable resources - wood with modern architectural form. The architecture of the Pavilion refers to the mobility - both to Poland as the natural habitat of migrating birds as well as the reference to flow of ideas and trade relations. The shape is going to be the attractive packaging for the interesting indoor exposition and the autonomous medium for the Polish modern technologies” – Pisula explains. He adds that that the world fair will be an opportunity to promote Poland, its goods and services.
The winning architectural studio will be preparing the Polish Pavilion’s architectural concept, exposition’s concept and the sightseeing’s script. “These documents, after approval by the EXPO Organisers will allow to launch the bidding (Q1 2019) for the Polish Pavilion’s contractor” - explains Monika Dyląg-Sajór, coordinator of the EXPO 2020 team at Polish Investment & Trade Agency.
The pavilion will cost around PLN 40 million (EUR 9.3m, USD 10.7m) to build together with the exhibitions inside.
The EXPO is due to run from October 2020 to April 2021.