The aim of the cooperation is to promote the Polish sector of producers of clean energy from renewable sources both in Poland and the world. The signed agreement will improve the exchange of knowledge and experience in the area of regulations, technology and standards applicable in the industry. RE-Source Poland Hub and the Polish Investment and Trade Agency will jointly work to promote Poland as a center for the development of technology for obtaining clean energy from RES. In addition, they will also take action to create conditions for the development of Polish companies in the sector for production of clean energy from renewable sources.
On the 18th July of this year, during the debate from the series "Green energy for business. Sustainable development and socially responsible business" preceding the signing of the agreement, Szymon Kowalski, Vice President of RE-Source Poland Hub pointed out that in Poland we have a huge potential for the development of renewable energy sources, which we must use to strengthen the competitiveness of our economy - "In our electro energy system there is room for up to 30 GW of wind capacity - which in the future, in a situation of favorable winds, will allow us to satisfy even 100% of our electricity demand".
Grzegorz S³omkowski, Member of PAIH’s Management Board, emphasized the importance of attracting investors to Poland. He also spoke about their interest in green energy - "More and more often in conversations with potential investors the topic of access to and use of energy from renewable sources comes up. This is extremely important from the point of view of the Polish economy. Already at the stage of preparing an area for investment, we must think about providing this type of energy."
RE-Source Poland Hub is a Foundation which was established in 2019, on the initiative of the Polish Wind Energy Association, to support Poland’s energy transformation. The aim of the Foundation is to enable companies in Poland to build competitive advantages based on cheap and clean energy from renewable sources. The Foundation undertakes activities aimed at creating a regulatory environment conducive to the acquisition of clean, green energy by companies, for example in the form of CPPAs. RE-Source Poland Hub is a platform which works in close cooperation with the European RE-Source Platform. Learn more:
The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) - PAIH's mission is to increase the inflow of foreign direct investments to the country and to internationalization Polish enterprises. We operate both in Poland and through our Foreign Trade Offices (ZBH). PAIH offers quick access to comprehensive information on the economic and legal environment of business projects. We also help in overcoming administrative procedures for specific projects, developing legal solutions, finding the right location and reliable partners and suppliers. We also provides access to financial instruments, including insurance offered by institutions associated in the Polish Development Fund Group.