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6 March 2023

A joint visit to Japan by PAIH and MRiT

Strengthening the already good economic relations between Poland and Japan and increasing the inflow of investments of companies from the country of the rising sun to Poland is, according to the participants of the Polish-Japanese Economic Forum held on March 6 in Tokyo, the most important challenge facing our countries. The forum organized by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency together with the Ministry of Development and Technology, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tokyo and the Japanese Foreign Trade Organization (JETRO) gathered representatives of over a hundred companies from both countries.

A joint visit to Japan by PAIH and MRiT

Japan is one of Poland’s most important business partners, with which we are connected by a strategic partnership. We intend to develop this partnership not only in areas such as energy, infrastructure or new technologies, but also to build long-term relationships that will allow us to support each other based on dialogue and mutual respect - said Waldemar Buda, Minister of Development and Technology.This declaration met with a favorable reaction of the Japanese, who do not hide their interest in locating their investments in our country.

I am convinced that the experience and technological advancement of Japanese companies, combined with high-quality human capital, innovative startups and developing Polish infrastructure, can translate into spectacular joint ventures, affecting the development of the entire region - emphasized Shinichi Nakatani, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry representing the Japanese Government during the forum.

I assure you that our Warsaw office will become the home of not only Polish-Japanese business cooperation but also the home of our mutual friendship - added Nobutani Kazushige, President of the Japan Foreign Trade Organization (JETRO).

For Japan, Poland is a natural bridge to the European Union. Already in 2003, Poland and Japan signed a Declaration of Strategic Partnership. The above is confirmed by the long-term involvement in Poland of the largest Japanese capital groups such as Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Toyota, NSK, Bridgestone, Itochu, AGC Glass, Pilkington (NSG Group). In terms of invested funds, according to NBP data, Japan is the 2nd largest Asian investor in Poland. There are already 356 Japanese companies operating in our country, including 113 production ones. They have created more than 53 000 jobs.

I am convinced that the forum, as well as the preceding economic mission and a number of bilateral meetings with the largest Japanese enterprises will quickly translate into an increase in the size and amount of investments of companies from the country of the rising sun in our country. The experience of the presence of Japanese business in Poland and how our engineers are evaluated by the Japanese make us believe that further innovative implementations of Japanese companies will be shared by Polish companies and, consequently, by the Polish economy. I also believe that the presence of Polish companies in Japan will also increase in the near future, because we are already observing a huge interest of Polish startups, which are also present here in Tokyo today - summed up Paweł Kurtasz, PAIH’s Chairman.

In the days preceding the forum, PAIH representatives together with a delegation of the Ministry of Development and Technology met, among others, with representatives of Toyota, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi Electric and Daikin. In the following days, a number of meetings with Polish and Japanese startups took place.

A joint visit to Japan by PAIH and MRiT

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About the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH)

The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) is an advisory institution belonging to the Polish Development Fund (PFR) Group. This is the first point of contact for exporters and investors. It operates both in Poland and through its  network of offices around the world. It strengthens the recognition of Polish brands on international markets, promotes domestic products and services as well as technological solutions made in Poland. The agency helps entrepreneurs in choosing their  optimal path of expansion abroad. It also supports the inflow of foreign direct investments to Poland and the implementation of Polish investments in the country. PAIH cooperates with the public sector and regional partners, offering, among other things, training, audit and promotion of investment properties, cooperation in the organization of business missions and communication support in the implementation of joint projects.

Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Krucza St. 50

00-025 Warsaw

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