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9 August 2023

Equnix Inc opens a new business centre in Poland

Equnix Inc, originally coming from the United States, with the support of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), decided to open another office in Warsaw. The new subsidiary of the company will create numerous jobs for highly qualified specialists.


The Polish Investment and Trade Agency closely cooperated with the investor and actively supported the location selection process by providing market data, sector analyses and organizing location visits. After numerous consultations, the final decision fell on Warsaw. This is another investment for the company in the capital. In 2018, Equinix, with the support of PAIH, chose Warsaw as the location of its data centre in Poland.

The new Global Business Services centre will provide financial, HR, legal and software engineering services. As a result, over the next few years, up to several hundred new jobs for highly educated specialists will be created.

Equinix's decision to choose Warsaw as the location of their new GBS centre in Europe confirms the trend that the number of foreign investments in our country, especially in the BSS sector, is growing year by year. It also shows that Poland, due to its innovation and large pool of talent, is an attractive and valued business location on the global investment map - said Marcin Fabianowicz, Director of PAIH‘s Investment Department.

About Equnix Inc

Equinix is a global digital infrastructure company with a presence in 27 countries. The company is on a path of intensive growth, employing more than 12,000 people worldwide. The new investment in Poland is part of its long-term development strategy.

Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Krucza St. 50

00-025 Warsaw

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