Lubuski Industrial and Technology Park

Implementing the idea of Science and Technology Park
will enable the transfer of research, technology and innovation from
science to the economy, and positive impact on many areas of life. The
project created within the parties' cooperation in creating a bridge
between science and industry, development of infrastructure R & D
and promote innovation and entrepreneurship broadly defined.
The area of Lubuskie Industry and Technology Park
under special economic zone status is planned for use in productive
investment, and warehouses, service buildings.
The area of these investments is particularly
attractive because of the frontier character of the entire region, and
favorable location for transport to ensure the modernization and
development trunk (international) and national road and rail connections
in the system east - west and north - south and a well-developed
transport network within region.
The Lubuski Industrial and Technology Park is located in Zielona Góra commune, in the middle of the Lubuskie Tri-City, 6 km from the campus A (the science and technology) of the Zielona Góra University; 4 km from the expressway S3, approximately 50 km to motorways A2 and A18/A4, by the provincial road heading for a planned bridge over the Odra river in Milsk.
Lubuski Industrial and Technology Park LLC
Nowy Kisielin - A. Syrkiewicza 6 Str.,
66-002 Zielona Góra
tel.: 0048 601 554 897
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